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Zoe Scott - Artist blog

Introducing a new series of artists blogs from selected artists who have taken part in the Restriction exhibition. Our second artist blog is from Zoe Scott, Glasgow, Scotland (UK) artist working in sculpture and found objects. Zoe is an emerging artist with dyslexia. This blog post was funded by the Arts Council England, giving more paid opportunities to artists.

Life: Restricted

Zoe Scott - Emerging Artist & Dyslexic

Glasgow, UK

Instagram @zoescottartist

When I saw the open call for miniature art I was intrigued. The idea of working to such a small scale was something I never would have thought to imposed on myself. I wondered if I would be able to make artworks so tiny that I could be proud of. But I do love a challenge! As an emerging artist I’m trying to get as much interesting work out into the world as possible, so I began to think about what restrictions meant to me. I was also really captivated by the print tray. It took me back to my childhood and that’s what sparked my creativity.

Humanity loves restrictions. We impose them on each other in our laws, on ourselves in our everyday choices and on the natural world with fences and borders. Restrictions of course can be to keep things safe as well. To keep things contained and managed. We love to collect and catalogue. One is simply not enough. I call it the Pokemon Effect. As a child we had a printing drawer on the wall at home. Each time we went somewhere new I would bring a memento home for it. A small model house, a special rock or a pretty leaf. All were cherished and admired. But eventually the little shelves got full, treasures had to share spaces, vying for attention. Leaves wilted and crumpled, rocks hurled themselves onto the floor in protest. It was a ever changing process of collection and adapting. In many ways I am still that girl. With that in mind I created a series of filled cages packed with curiosities both organic and handmade. The viewer must work to see what is inside, layered on top of each other and purposely concealed.

Watching the virtual exhibition opening was fantastic! To see all those tiny artworks side by side was a little like being in the audience of my children’s school play! I was looking for mine. But I was continually distracted by beautiful and mesmerising work. I’m dyslexic so I’m very aware that all of our brains work differently. But it’s rare to see that laid out in front of you in such a concise way. I am utterly grateful that my work was included and sat so happily within the collection. I think one of the greatest achievements is that, as a viewer, you have no idea who is a disabled artist, an emerging artist or an established artist. The art simply speaks for itself, without needing labels. I am slowly working through the trays to find the work I must know more about, and finding those artists online.

I’ve already linked up with several small galleries and new artists and I’m excited to see where that leads. I’ve also really enjoyed the artists talks. It’s rare to get a glimpse into the brains of other artist and I love to hear them exploring and reveling the ideas behind their work. From this exhibition I have a few more ideas brewing in the back of my mind and some collaborations I’m excited to explore further.

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